Monday, November 9, 2015

Lesson 7: Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

This week we talked about one of the most intimate things in family life: sex. It's not dirty or taboo. It's sacred and when used inappropriately there WILL be problems.

For example, our teacher shared a story about his wife at a social gathering. While sitting around and chatting, their extremely personal lives became a topic of discussion. Our teachers wife then came home and relayed the stories back to her husband. When questioned if she had shared anything, his wife insisted she hadn't, but our teacher wasn't convinced. I can't remember his reasoning behind not believing her, but my thinking was this: if she's willing to retell these private things in detail to her husband then why wouldn't she also share other things with other people. (DISCLAIMER: I'm sure she's a wonderful and kind woman). It got me thinking of how curiosities don't equate a right to know. Just because I'm curious about what happens regarding X, Y, or Z doesn't mean I need an answer or to even to ask the question.

This concept goes along with the idea that an urge is NOT an emergency. When we feel compelled to do something, we have to think about how it will affect others and how/how soon it should be done. This goes with any and all aspects of our relationships with others. (the key word here being OTHERS) Relationships don't work if the "me monster" is taking control. Constant care, vigilance, and consideration should be enacted especially when we choose to be with someone the rest of eternity.

Additional Fun Facts
-men want sex to feel secure, women want security to have sex
-hormones released during sexual intercourse: Serotonin (wellness and warmth), Dopamine (excitement and thrill), Oxytocin (produced in women, bonding)
-we fall in love with falling in love
-types of infidelity: fantasy, visual, romantic, physical
-covenants create boundaries
-it's not about your partner, it's about your covenant to God (cheating God)

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