Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lesson 12: Divorce, Remarriage, and Aging Families

     This week we talked about how families can be reconstituted via divorce, remarriage and simply growing older. We talked about how there are different types of divorce: emotional, legal, economical, co-parental, community, and psychic. It surprised me that there can be a divorce in a relationship while the couple is still married. It seems like all of the types combined can especially lead to a legal divorce (which is what we usually think of when we hear of divorce).

     What is especially interesting is the principle of "finding the opportunities in the challenges." Even through these hard times of changing the family system, we can change how we view unpleasant things. There's something about the process that changes things. When my parents were going through their divorce (when I was 12) and through the subsequent years, I faced a lot of challenges. I know it's cliche, but it was REALLY HARD. I was really fortunate that I had a solid base to lean on or I don't think I would have been able to find the opportunities.

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