Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lesson 10: Fathers and Finances

What are you trading for your money?

This was an interesting question brought up at the end of class this week. It made me more aware of what my priorities are and also reevaluate what I hold important. For example, this week we also talked about dual-income families and how they actually end up making less money than if just one person worked. When our priority is gaining money, we can lose out on relationships, time, and emotional and physical energy, all while not actually getting paid that much.

We also discussed why budgeting is important, not only because we're being responsible with what we've been given, but also it gives a couple the opportunity to cooperate in decision making. They decide how to use said money, but also their time, talents and resources. It also brings up what each partner values and where they are willing to compromise.

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